Sunday, 27 December 2009

Easy Way to Stop Smoking

Ok new years about to come and you want an easy way to stop smoking?

Do You Want to Quit Smoking? You'll Need More Than the Smoking Patch
By Bill J Gordon Platinum Quality Author
Bill J Gordon
Level: Platinum

I'm not sure I know why but I seem to be the "go to guy" when it comes to speaking at my friends events. That ...

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You tried to quit smoking and you decided to use the smoking patch to help you and you failed. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, most everybody does. As a matter of fact, if you try to quit cold turkey you have a little better than 1 out of 10 chance of staying smoke free for 10 weeks. If you use the smoking patch that goes up to a little better than 2 out of 10.

The thinking behind the patch is pretty logical. Smokers are addicted to nicotine and the patch simply substitutes as a source of the drug. The idea is you get your dose without getting all the other chemicals that you would smoking a cigarette, then slowly steps down the dose to end the addiction.

Pretty simple. Why doesn't it work?

If the key to stop smoking was simply kicking the nicotine habit, then anyone who wanted to stop could certainly do so using the patch or gum. But it's more than that isn't it. It's a habit and it's a habit that is really tough to break.

So the smoker who wants to quit is really facing two battles. First is the physical addiction to nicotine and second is an extremely difficult psychological dependence on the habit itself. And that my friend is why quitting smoking is so very difficult to do.

Breaking the habit is the hard part. There are no easy tricks, no simple "how to" books no quick fixes. It requires that you identify triggers and then have a plan on how to avoid them or deal with them when they occur. Just as important as having a plan is to have outside support. Friends, family and others that you respect can play an active role in your success in kicking the habit. If nothing else they can make you dig deep emotionally so you don't "fail" in their minds.

So here's a suggestion, not sure fire plan but one that at least gets you organized and prepared to do battle. If I had a sure fire plan I wouldn't be writing this article I'd be writing a book and making a fortune on Amazon.

* Identify your smoking triggers that almost automatically cause you to light up like a cup of coffee or a drink or the end of a meal. For some people it may go deeper and triggers might be any new experience like meeting new people, being faced with a new task at work and so on.
* Figure out how to avoid the triggers. That obviously is not going to always be possible so plan a new ritual for the triggers to replace lighting up. For example after a meal, try popping two after dinner mints. Engage in conversation whenever you can. You want to distract the brain from following the old ritual of smoking so making it focus on something else is a positive step.
* Drink lots of water. Keeping your body fully hydrated helps with flushing out toxins and improves your health in general. It also partially satisfies the "hand to mouth" action that smoker have become accustomed to. Drink at least half your body weight expressed in ounces each day.
* Exercise. The more you do the better. Quitting is going to develop stress. Stress causes excess adrenaline and cortisol to be released in your body. Exercise burns those two hormones off. Enjoy the endorphin high you'll get from a strenuous work out.
* Create your support network. Identify who you want to help you in your effort. Be careful not to set an artificial date that you are going to quit by. It takes 90 days to form a habit and the new habit you are striving for is to be a non smoker. Don't be disappointed, and don't let your support group be disappointed, if you have a slip up every now and then.

* Keep a diary. Writing down another day without smoking reinforces you effort. Write down the cravings you experienced and how you got past them.

Remember quitting smoking is really two fights. It would be nice if you could ease out of the habit just like you can ease out of the addiction. However, failing that, you have to have the resolve and support to keep the end goal foremost in your mind.

There is a way to ease out of the habit but it's not for everybody. Ironically it involves mimicking smoking. If you'd like to see how you can control your nicotine addiction just like the smoking patch and ease your way out of the smoking habit visit right now. Fight one battle at a time.

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